Understanding and exploring social psychology in the context of human behavior
The range of social psychology is explored and broken down to understand the elements that make up the topic. Social Psychology looks at many different points of view and issues that ultimately define what it is. The researchers of this literature review look at the various topics, theories, and aspects related to and linked with social psychology and compose a paper explaining the different elements. Social psychology is the study of social interactions in society. In this research paper, the researchers concentrate mainly on the various moving parts that come together to describe social psychology, such as behavior, peer pressure, happiness, social media, social proof, prejudice and discrimination, inclusion, belonging and love, social influence, etc. There is a plethora of other parts that belong to social psychology. Therefore, these findings and explorations derived from earlier studies will be helpful for future researchers and all those who like social psychology and want to be knowledgeable about its importance and focus, which is determined based on individuals' communications and social behavior in different cultures and societies, which will be more critical.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.23954/osj.v8i2.3391
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