An Evaluation Model for Social Work with Substance Abusers
In this article, the research topic is to develop an evaluation model for social work with substance abusers. It is studied by presenting an example of how the evaluation process could be carried out in practice. The study has been implemented with the Department of Social Services and Health Care’s Centre for Recovering Substance Abusers in Finland (RSA Centre). The term “evaluation model” refers to a way of collecting client follow-up information and the way the information is used to develop social work practices. Firstly it is described, how the evaluation model was created at the RSA Centre. Secondly, some results are lifted up to show, what kind of information were used. Finally, it is discussed how the evaluation model should be developed further to support social work processes.
According to the results, the social work evaluation is possible to carry out in the side of social work with substance abusers. The model helped professionals to clarify Centre's main focus in the field of social rehabilitation and social work with substance abusers. In the long term, the model could enable to gain information about social work effectiveness. Disadvantages of the model were that it took a lot of time and resources from social work, and that the direct benefits of the model may not be available until only after some time. Evaluation’s integration to the client database system should be studied more.
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