Issues in resolution and build size scaling of additive manufacturing technologies
In this review, scaling issues in additive manufacturing (AM) processes are discussed based on multiple factors. Scaling issues arise mainly due to design and control of the AM system and also while attempting to achieve desired accuracy. Based on current AM systems available commercially, we identified scaling issues that can potentially challenge the build feasibility and accuracy while moving in geometrical and build resolution length scales. Inherent limitations of multiple AM processes are discussed based on these aspects and challenges while implementing these technologies in multiple length scales are identified through this work. Potential remedies for such scaling issues are also presented based on current progressing research in AM.
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Abdulhameed O, Al-Ahmari A, Ameen W, Mian SH. Additive manufacturing: Challenges, trends, and applications. Adv Mech Eng. 2019 Feb;11(2):168781401882288.
Wong KV, Hernandez A. A Review of Additive Manufacturing. ISRN Mech Eng. 2012 Aug 16;2012:1–10.
Gibson I, Rosen D, Stucker B. Additive Manufacturing Technologies [Internet]. New York, NY: Springer New York; 2015 [cited 2021 Oct 23]. Available from:
Ngo TD, Kashani A, Imbalzano G, Nguyen KTQ, Hui D. Additive manufacturing (3D printing): A review of materials, methods, applications and challenges. Compos Part B Eng. 2018 Jun;143:172–96.
van Bochove B, Hannink G, Buma P, Grijpma DW. Preparation of Designed Poly(trimethylene carbonate) Meniscus Implants by Stereolithography: Challenges in Stereolithography. Macromol Biosci. 2016 Dec;16(12):1853–63.
Zhang W, Tong M, Harrison NM. Resolution, energy and time dependency on layer scaling in finite element modelling of laser beam powder bed fusion additive manufacturing. Addit Manuf. 2019 Aug;28:610–20.
Gan Z, Kafka OL, Parab N, Zhao C, Fang L, Heinonen O, et al. Universal scaling laws of keyhole stability and porosity in 3D printing of metals. Nat Commun. 2021 Dec;12(1):2379.
Svetlizky D, Das M, Zheng B, Vyatskikh AL, Bose S, Bandyopadhyay A, et al. Directed energy deposition (DED) additive manufacturing: Physical characteristics, defects, challenges and applications. Mater Today. 2021 Jun;S1369702121001139.
Ziaee M, Crane NB. Binder jetting: A review of process, materials, and methods. Addit Manuf. 2019 Aug;28:781–801.
Shen X, Naguib HE. A robust ink deposition system for binder jetting and material jetting. Addit Manuf. 2019 Oct;29:100820.
Guessasma S, Zhang W, Zhu J, Belhabib S, Nouri H. Challenges of additive manufacturing technologies from an optimisation perspective. Int J Simul Multidiscip Des Optim. 2015;6:A9.
Pagac M, Hajnys J, Ma Q-P, Jancar L, Jansa J, Stefek P, et al. A Review of Vat Photopolymerization Technology: Materials, Applications, Challenges, and Future Trends of 3D Printing. Polymers. 2021 Feb 17;13(4):598.
Godineau K, Lavernhe S, Tournier C. Calibration of galvanometric scan heads for additive manufacturing with machine assembly defects consideration. Addit Manuf. 2019 Mar;26:250–7.
Wan D, Liu H, Wang Y, Hu D, Gui Z. CO2 laser beam modulating for surface texturing machining. Opt Laser Technol. 2008 Mar;40(2):309–14.
Zhao Y, Koizumi Y, Aoyagi K, Yamanaka K, Chiba A. Manipulating local heat accumulation towards controlled quality and microstructure of a Co-Cr-Mo alloy in powder bed fusion with electron beam. Mater Lett. 2019 Nov;254:269–72.
Bennett J. Measuring UV curing parameters of commercial photopolymers used in additive manufacturing. Addit Manuf. 2017 Dec;18:203–12.
Meenakshisundaram V, Sturm LD, Williams CB. Modeling A Scanning-Mask Projection Vat Photopolymerization System For Multiscale Additive Manufacturing. J Mater Process Technol. 2020 May;279:116546.
Hornbeck LJ. Current status of the digital micromirror device (DMD) for projection television applications. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting [Internet]. Washington, DC, USA: IEEE; 1993 [cited 2021 Dec 6]. p. 381–4. Available from:
Shroff Y, Chen Y, Oldham W. Fabrication of parallel-plate nanomirror arrays for extreme ultraviolet maskless lithography. J Vac Sci Technol B Microelectron Nanometer Struct. 2001;19(6):2412.
Ren Y-X, Lu R-D, Gong L. Tailoring light with a digital micromirror device: Tailoring light with a digital micromirror device. Ann Phys. 2015 Aug;527(7–8):447–70.
Nguyen AK, Narayan RJ. Two-photon polymerization for biological applications. Mater Today. 2017 Jul;20(6):314–22.
Hofstetter C, Orman S, Baudis S, Stampfl J. Combining cure depth and cure degree, a new way to fully characterize novel photopolymers. Addit Manuf. 2018 Dec;24:166–72.
Manapat JZ, Chen Q, Ye P, Advincula RC. 3D Printing of Polymer Nanocomposites via Stereolithography. Macromol Mater Eng. 2017 Sep;302(9):1600553.
Schmidt J, Brigo L, Gandin A, Schwentenwein M, Colombo P, Brusatin G. Multiscale ceramic components from preceramic polymers by hybridization of vat polymerization-based technologies. Addit Manuf. 2019 Dec;30:100913.
Fredriksson C. Sustainability of metal powder additive manufacturing. Procedia Manuf. 2019;33:139–44.
Harun WSW, Kamariah MSIN, Muhamad N, Ghani SAC, Ahmad F, Mohamed Z. A review of powder additive manufacturing processes for metallic biomaterials. Powder Technol. 2018 Mar;327:128–51.
Shahzad K, Deckers J, Zhang Z, Kruth J-P, Vleugels J. Additive manufacturing of zirconia parts by indirect selective laser sintering. J Eur Ceram Soc. 2014 Jan;34(1):81–9.
Parteli EJR, Pöschel T. Particle-based simulation of powder application in additive manufacturing. Powder Technol. 2016 Jan;288:96–102.
Slotwinski JA, Garboczi EJ, Stutzman PE, Ferraris CF, Watson SS, Peltz MA. Characterization of Metal Powders Used for Additive Manufacturing. J Res Natl Inst Stand Technol. 2014 Oct;119:460.
Strondl A, Lyckfeldt O, Brodin H, Ackelid U. Characterization and Control of Powder Properties for Additive Manufacturing. JOM. 2015 Mar;67(3):549–54.
Soundararajan B, Sofia D, Barletta D, Poletto M. Review on modeling techniques for powder bed fusion processes based on physical principles. Addit Manuf. 2021 Nov;47:102336.
du Plessis A. Effects of process parameters on porosity in laser powder bed fusion revealed by X-ray tomography. Addit Manuf. 2019 Dec;30:100871.
Khairallah SA, Anderson AT, Rubenchik A, King WE. Laser powder-bed fusion additive manufacturing: Physics of complex melt flow and formation mechanisms of pores, spatter, and denudation zones. Acta Mater. 2016 Apr;108:36–45.
Oliveira JP, LaLonde AD, Ma J. Processing parameters in laser powder bed fusion metal additive manufacturing. Mater Des. 2020 Aug;193:108762.
King WE, Anderson AT, Ferencz RM, Hodge NE, Kamath C, Khairallah SA, et al. Laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing of metals; physics, computational, and materials challenges. Appl Phys Rev. 2015 Dec;2(4):041304.
Gheysen J, Marteleur M, van der Rest C, Simar A. Efficient optimization methodology for laser powder bed fusion parameters to manufacture dense and mechanically sound parts validated on AlSi12 alloy. Mater Des. 2021 Feb;199:109433.
Hardy JW. Active optics: A new technology for the control of light. Proc IEEE. 1978;66(6):651–97.
Tsai C-Y, Cheng C-W, Lee A-C, Tsai M-C. Synchronized multi-spot scanning strategies for the laser powder bed fusion process. Addit Manuf. 2019 May;27:1–7.
Zhang W, Hou W, Deike L, Arnold CB. Using a dual-laser system to create periodic coalescence in laser powder bed fusion. Acta Mater. 2020 Dec;201:14–22.
Guan X, Zhao YF. Numerical modeling of coaxial powder stream in laser-powder-based Directed Energy Deposition process. Addit Manuf. 2020 Aug;34:101226.
Kim CK, Jeong JI, Choi SG, Kim JH, Cho YT. High-throughput directed energy deposition process with an optimized scanning nozzle. J Mater Process Technol. 2021 Sep;295:117165.
Soshi M, Odum K, Li G. Investigation of novel trochoidal toolpath strategies for productive and efficient directed energy deposition processes. CIRP Ann. 2019;68(1):241–4.
Partes K. Analytical model of the catchment efficiency in high speed laser cladding. Surf Coat Technol. 2009 Oct;204(3):366–71.
Sciammarella F, Salehi Najafabadi B. Processing Parameter DOE for 316L Using Directed Energy Deposition. J Manuf Mater Process. 2018 Sep 7;2(3):61.
Dass A, Moridi A. State of the Art in Directed Energy Deposition: From Additive Manufacturing to Materials Design. Coatings. 2019 Jun 29;9(7):418.
Chua BL, Lee HJ, Ahn DG, Kim JG. Investigation of Penetration Depth and Efficiency of Applied Heat Flux in a Directed Energy Deposition Process with Feeding of Ti-6Al-4V Wires. J Korean Soc Precis Eng. 2018 Feb 1;35(2):211–7.
Cadiou S, Courtois M, Carin M, Berckmans W, Le Masson P. Heat transfer, fluid flow and electromagnetic model of droplets generation and melt pool behaviour for wire arc additive manufacturing. Int J Heat Mass Transf. 2020 Feb;148:119102.
Y.M.Zhang, S.B.Zhang. Observation of keyhole during plasma arc welding. Weld Res Suppl. 53(S).
Bai Y, Gao H, Wu L, Ma Z, Cao N. Influence of plasma-MIG welding parameters on aluminum weld porosity by orthogonal test. Trans Nonferrous Met Soc China. 2010 Aug;20(8):1392–6.
Dávila JL, Neto PI, Noritomi PY, Coelho RT, da Silva JVL. Hybrid manufacturing: a review of the synergy between directed energy deposition and subtractive processes. Int J Adv Manuf Technol. 2020 Oct;110(11–12):3377–90.
Juhasz M, Tiedemann R, Dumstorff G, Walker J, Plessis AD, Conner B, et al. Hybrid directed energy deposition for fabricating metal structures with embedded sensors. Addit Manuf. 2020 Oct;35:101397.
Mostafaei A, Elliott AM, Barnes JE, Li F, Tan W, Cramer CL, et al. Binder jet 3D printing—Process parameters, materials, properties, modeling, and challenges. Prog Mater Sci. 2021 Jun;119:100707.
Dini F, Ghaffari SA, Jafar J, Hamidreza R, Marjan S. A review of binder jet process parameters; powder, binder, printing and sintering condition. Met Powder Rep. 2020 Mar;75(2):95–100.
Colton T, Crane NB. Influence of droplet velocity, spacing, and inter-arrival time on line formation and saturation in binder jet additive manufacturing. Addit Manuf. 2021 Jan;37:101711.
Ziaee M, Crane NB. Binder jetting: A review of process, materials, and methods. Addit Manuf. 2019 Aug;28:781–801.
Bai Y, Williams CB. An exploration of binder jetting of copper. Rapid Prototyp J. 2015 Mar 16;21(2):177–85.
Shrestha S, Manogharan G. Optimization of Binder Jetting Using Taguchi Method. JOM. 2017 Mar;69(3):491–7.
Meteyer S, Xu X, Perry N, Zhao YF. Energy and Material Flow Analysis of Binder-jetting Additive Manufacturing Processes. Procedia CIRP. 2014;15:19–25.
Salcedo E, Baek D, Berndt A, Ryu JE. Simulation and validation of three dimension functionally graded materials by material jetting. Addit Manuf. 2018 Aug;22:351–9.
Zhao P, He Y, Trindade GF, Baumers M, Irvine DJ, Hague RJM, et al. Modelling the influence of UV curing strategies for optimisation of inkjet based 3D printing. Mater Des. 2021 Oct;208:109889.
Zhou Y, Gu Y, Jiang K, Chen M. Droplet-Flow Photopolymerization Aided by Computer: Overcoming the Challenges of Viscosity and Facilitating the Generation of Copolymer Libraries. Macromolecules. 2019 Aug 13;52(15):5611–7.
Popov V, Fleisher A, Muller-Kamskii G, Shishkin A, Katz-Demyanetz A, Travitzky N, et al. Novel hybrid method to additively manufacture denser graphite structures using Binder Jetting. Sci Rep. 2021 Dec;11(1):2438.
Shrestha S, Manogharan G. Optimization of Binder Jetting Using Taguchi Method. JOM. 2017 Mar;69(3):491–7.
Behera D, Cullinan M. Current challenges and potential directions towards precision microscale additive manufacturing – Part I: Direct ink writing/jetting processes. Precis Eng. 2021 Mar;68:326–37.
Lewis JA. Direct Ink Writing of 3D Functional Materials. Adv Funct Mater. 2006 Nov 3;16(17):2193–204.
Syrlybayev D, Zharylkassyn B, Seisekulova A, Akhmetov M, Perveen A, Talamona D. Optimisation of Strength Properties of FDM Printed Parts—A Critical Review. Polymers. 2021 May 14;13(10):1587.
Deswal S, Narang R, Chhabra D. Modeling and parametric optimization of FDM 3D printing process using hybrid techniques for enhancing dimensional preciseness. Int J Interact Des Manuf IJIDeM. 2019 Sep;13(3):1197–214.
R. SM, S. V. Parametric optimization of fused deposition modelling process using Grey based Taguchi and TOPSIS methods for an automotive component. Rapid Prototyp J. 2021 Jan 8;27(1):155–75.
Bellini A, Shor L, Guceri SI. New developments in fused deposition modeling of ceramics. Rapid Prototyp J. 2005 Sep;11(4):214–20.
Du J, Wei Z, Wang X, Wang J, Chen Z. An improved fused deposition modeling process for forming large-size thin-walled parts. J Mater Process Technol. 2016 Aug;234:332–41.
Brooks H, Rennie AEW, Abram TN, McGOVERN J. Variable Fused Deposition Modelling – Concept Design and Tool Path Generation. :10.
Hehr A, Norfolk M. A comprehensive review of ultrasonic additive manufacturing. Rapid Prototyp J. 2020;26(3):14.
Janaki Ram GD, Robinson C, Yang Y, Stucker BE. Use of ultrasonic consolidation for fabrication of multi‐material structures. Rapid Prototyp J. 2007 Aug 7;13(4):226–35.
Tuttle RB. Feasibility Study of 316L Stainless Steel for the Ultrasonic Consolidation Process. J Manuf Process. 2007 Jan;9(2):87–93.
Kong CY, Soar RC, Dickens PM. Optimum process parameters for ultrasonic consolidation of 3003 aluminium. J Mater Process Technol. 2004 Feb;146(2):181–7.
Friel RJ, Harris RA. Ultrasonic Additive Manufacturing – A Hybrid Production Process for Novel Functional Products. Procedia CIRP. 2013;6:35–40.
Abdulhameed O, Al-Ahmari A, Ameen W, Mian SH. Additive manufacturing: Challenges, trends, and applications. Adv Mech Eng. 2019 Feb;11(2):168781401882288.
Wong KV, Hernandez A. A Review of Additive Manufacturing. ISRN Mech Eng. 2012 Aug 16;2012:1–10.
Gibson I, Rosen D, Stucker B. Additive Manufacturing Technologies [Internet]. New York, NY: Springer New York; 2015 [cited 2021 Oct 23]. Available from:
Ngo TD, Kashani A, Imbalzano G, Nguyen KTQ, Hui D. Additive manufacturing (3D printing): A review of materials, methods, applications and challenges. Compos Part B Eng. 2018 Jun;143:172–96.
van Bochove B, Hannink G, Buma P, Grijpma DW. Preparation of Designed Poly(trimethylene carbonate) Meniscus Implants by Stereolithography: Challenges in Stereolithography. Macromol Biosci. 2016 Dec;16(12):1853–63.
Zhang W, Tong M, Harrison NM. Resolution, energy and time dependency on layer scaling in finite element modelling of laser beam powder bed fusion additive manufacturing. Addit Manuf. 2019 Aug;28:610–20.
Gan Z, Kafka OL, Parab N, Zhao C, Fang L, Heinonen O, et al. Universal scaling laws of keyhole stability and porosity in 3D printing of metals. Nat Commun. 2021 Dec;12(1):2379.
Svetlizky D, Das M, Zheng B, Vyatskikh AL, Bose S, Bandyopadhyay A, et al. Directed energy deposition (DED) additive manufacturing: Physical characteristics, defects, challenges and applications. Mater Today. 2021 Jun;S1369702121001139.
Ziaee M, Crane NB. Binder jetting: A review of process, materials, and methods. Addit Manuf. 2019 Aug;28:781–801.
Shen X, Naguib HE. A robust ink deposition system for binder jetting and material jetting. Addit Manuf. 2019 Oct;29:100820.
Guessasma S, Zhang W, Zhu J, Belhabib S, Nouri H. Challenges of additive manufacturing technologies from an optimisation perspective. Int J Simul Multidiscip Des Optim. 2015;6:A9.
Pagac M, Hajnys J, Ma Q-P, Jancar L, Jansa J, Stefek P, et al. A Review of Vat Photopolymerization Technology: Materials, Applications, Challenges, and Future Trends of 3D Printing. Polymers. 2021 Feb 17;13(4):598.
Godineau K, Lavernhe S, Tournier C. Calibration of galvanometric scan heads for additive manufacturing with machine assembly defects consideration. Addit Manuf. 2019 Mar;26:250–7.
Wan D, Liu H, Wang Y, Hu D, Gui Z. CO2 laser beam modulating for surface texturing machining. Opt Laser Technol. 2008 Mar;40(2):309–14.
Zhao Y, Koizumi Y, Aoyagi K, Yamanaka K, Chiba A. Manipulating local heat accumulation towards controlled quality and microstructure of a Co-Cr-Mo alloy in powder bed fusion with electron beam. Mater Lett. 2019 Nov;254:269–72.
Bennett J. Measuring UV curing parameters of commercial photopolymers used in additive manufacturing. Addit Manuf. 2017 Dec;18:203–12.
Meenakshisundaram V, Sturm LD, Williams CB. Modeling A Scanning-Mask Projection Vat Photopolymerization System For Multiscale Additive Manufacturing. J Mater Process Technol. 2020 May;279:116546.
Hornbeck LJ. Current status of the digital micromirror device (DMD) for projection television applications. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting [Internet]. Washington, DC, USA: IEEE; 1993 [cited 2021 Dec 6]. p. 381–4. Available from:
Shroff Y, Chen Y, Oldham W. Fabrication of parallel-plate nanomirror arrays for extreme ultraviolet maskless lithography. J Vac Sci Technol B Microelectron Nanometer Struct. 2001;19(6):2412.
Ren Y-X, Lu R-D, Gong L. Tailoring light with a digital micromirror device: Tailoring light with a digital micromirror device. Ann Phys. 2015 Aug;527(7–8):447–70.
Nguyen AK, Narayan RJ. Two-photon polymerization for biological applications. Mater Today. 2017 Jul;20(6):314–22.
Hofstetter C, Orman S, Baudis S, Stampfl J. Combining cure depth and cure degree, a new way to fully characterize novel photopolymers. Addit Manuf. 2018 Dec;24:166–72.
Manapat JZ, Chen Q, Ye P, Advincula RC. 3D Printing of Polymer Nanocomposites via Stereolithography. Macromol Mater Eng. 2017 Sep;302(9):1600553.
Schmidt J, Brigo L, Gandin A, Schwentenwein M, Colombo P, Brusatin G. Multiscale ceramic components from preceramic polymers by hybridization of vat polymerization-based technologies. Addit Manuf. 2019 Dec;30:100913.
Fredriksson C. Sustainability of metal powder additive manufacturing. Procedia Manuf. 2019;33:139–44.
Harun WSW, Kamariah MSIN, Muhamad N, Ghani SAC, Ahmad F, Mohamed Z. A review of powder additive manufacturing processes for metallic biomaterials. Powder Technol. 2018 Mar;327:128–51.
Shahzad K, Deckers J, Zhang Z, Kruth J-P, Vleugels J. Additive manufacturing of zirconia parts by indirect selective laser sintering. J Eur Ceram Soc. 2014 Jan;34(1):81–9.
Parteli EJR, Pöschel T. Particle-based simulation of powder application in additive manufacturing. Powder Technol. 2016 Jan;288:96–102.
Slotwinski JA, Garboczi EJ, Stutzman PE, Ferraris CF, Watson SS, Peltz MA. Characterization of Metal Powders Used for Additive Manufacturing. J Res Natl Inst Stand Technol. 2014 Oct;119:460.
Strondl A, Lyckfeldt O, Brodin H, Ackelid U. Characterization and Control of Powder Properties for Additive Manufacturing. JOM. 2015 Mar;67(3):549–54.
Soundararajan B, Sofia D, Barletta D, Poletto M. Review on modeling techniques for powder bed fusion processes based on physical principles. Addit Manuf. 2021 Nov;47:102336.
du Plessis A. Effects of process parameters on porosity in laser powder bed fusion revealed by X-ray tomography. Addit Manuf. 2019 Dec;30:100871.
Khairallah SA, Anderson AT, Rubenchik A, King WE. Laser powder-bed fusion additive manufacturing: Physics of complex melt flow and formation mechanisms of pores, spatter, and denudation zones. Acta Mater. 2016 Apr;108:36–45.
Oliveira JP, LaLonde AD, Ma J. Processing parameters in laser powder bed fusion metal additive manufacturing. Mater Des. 2020 Aug;193:108762.
King WE, Anderson AT, Ferencz RM, Hodge NE, Kamath C, Khairallah SA, et al. Laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing of metals; physics, computational, and materials challenges. Appl Phys Rev. 2015 Dec;2(4):041304.
Gheysen J, Marteleur M, van der Rest C, Simar A. Efficient optimization methodology for laser powder bed fusion parameters to manufacture dense and mechanically sound parts validated on AlSi12 alloy. Mater Des. 2021 Feb;199:109433.
Hardy JW. Active optics: A new technology for the control of light. Proc IEEE. 1978;66(6):651–97.
Tsai C-Y, Cheng C-W, Lee A-C, Tsai M-C. Synchronized multi-spot scanning strategies for the laser powder bed fusion process. Addit Manuf. 2019 May;27:1–7.
Zhang W, Hou W, Deike L, Arnold CB. Using a dual-laser system to create periodic coalescence in laser powder bed fusion. Acta Mater. 2020 Dec;201:14–22.
Guan X, Zhao YF. Numerical modeling of coaxial powder stream in laser-powder-based Directed Energy Deposition process. Addit Manuf. 2020 Aug;34:101226.
Kim CK, Jeong JI, Choi SG, Kim JH, Cho YT. High-throughput directed energy deposition process with an optimized scanning nozzle. J Mater Process Technol. 2021 Sep;295:117165.
Soshi M, Odum K, Li G. Investigation of novel trochoidal toolpath strategies for productive and efficient directed energy deposition processes. CIRP Ann. 2019;68(1):241–4.
Partes K. Analytical model of the catchment efficiency in high speed laser cladding. Surf Coat Technol. 2009 Oct;204(3):366–71.
Sciammarella F, Salehi Najafabadi B. Processing Parameter DOE for 316L Using Directed Energy Deposition. J Manuf Mater Process. 2018 Sep 7;2(3):61.
Dass A, Moridi A. State of the Art in Directed Energy Deposition: From Additive Manufacturing to Materials Design. Coatings. 2019 Jun 29;9(7):418.
Chua BL, Lee HJ, Ahn DG, Kim JG. Investigation of Penetration Depth and Efficiency of Applied Heat Flux in a Directed Energy Deposition Process with Feeding of Ti-6Al-4V Wires. J Korean Soc Precis Eng. 2018 Feb 1;35(2):211–7.
Cadiou S, Courtois M, Carin M, Berckmans W, Le Masson P. Heat transfer, fluid flow and electromagnetic model of droplets generation and melt pool behaviour for wire arc additive manufacturing. Int J Heat Mass Transf. 2020 Feb;148:119102.
Y.M.Zhang, S.B.Zhang. Observation of keyhole during plasma arc welding. Weld Res Suppl. 53(S).
Bai Y, Gao H, Wu L, Ma Z, Cao N. Influence of plasma-MIG welding parameters on aluminum weld porosity by orthogonal test. Trans Nonferrous Met Soc China. 2010 Aug;20(8):1392–6.
Dávila JL, Neto PI, Noritomi PY, Coelho RT, da Silva JVL. Hybrid manufacturing: a review of the synergy between directed energy deposition and subtractive processes. Int J Adv Manuf Technol. 2020 Oct;110(11–12):3377–90.
Juhasz M, Tiedemann R, Dumstorff G, Walker J, Plessis AD, Conner B, et al. Hybrid directed energy deposition for fabricating metal structures with embedded sensors. Addit Manuf. 2020 Oct;35:101397.
Mostafaei A, Elliott AM, Barnes JE, Li F, Tan W, Cramer CL, et al. Binder jet 3D printing—Process parameters, materials, properties, modeling, and challenges. Prog Mater Sci. 2021 Jun;119:100707.
Dini F, Ghaffari SA, Jafar J, Hamidreza R, Marjan S. A review of binder jet process parameters; powder, binder, printing and sintering condition. Met Powder Rep. 2020 Mar;75(2):95–100.
Colton T, Crane NB. Influence of droplet velocity, spacing, and inter-arrival time on line formation and saturation in binder jet additive manufacturing. Addit Manuf. 2021 Jan;37:101711.
Ziaee M, Crane NB. Binder jetting: A review of process, materials, and methods. Addit Manuf. 2019 Aug;28:781–801.
Bai Y, Williams CB. An exploration of binder jetting of copper. Rapid Prototyp J. 2015 Mar 16;21(2):177–85.
Shrestha S, Manogharan G. Optimization of Binder Jetting Using Taguchi Method. JOM. 2017 Mar;69(3):491–7.
Meteyer S, Xu X, Perry N, Zhao YF. Energy and Material Flow Analysis of Binder-jetting Additive Manufacturing Processes. Procedia CIRP. 2014;15:19–25.
Salcedo E, Baek D, Berndt A, Ryu JE. Simulation and validation of three dimension functionally graded materials by material jetting. Addit Manuf. 2018 Aug;22:351–9.
Zhao P, He Y, Trindade GF, Baumers M, Irvine DJ, Hague RJM, et al. Modelling the influence of UV curing strategies for optimisation of inkjet based 3D printing. Mater Des. 2021 Oct;208:109889.
Zhou Y, Gu Y, Jiang K, Chen M. Droplet-Flow Photopolymerization Aided by Computer: Overcoming the Challenges of Viscosity and Facilitating the Generation of Copolymer Libraries. Macromolecules. 2019 Aug 13;52(15):5611–7.
Popov V, Fleisher A, Muller-Kamskii G, Shishkin A, Katz-Demyanetz A, Travitzky N, et al. Novel hybrid method to additively manufacture denser graphite structures using Binder Jetting. Sci Rep. 2021 Dec;11(1):2438.
Shrestha S, Manogharan G. Optimization of Binder Jetting Using Taguchi Method. JOM. 2017 Mar;69(3):491–7.
Behera D, Cullinan M. Current challenges and potential directions towards precision microscale additive manufacturing – Part I: Direct ink writing/jetting processes. Precis Eng. 2021 Mar;68:326–37.
Lewis JA. Direct Ink Writing of 3D Functional Materials. Adv Funct Mater. 2006 Nov 3;16(17):2193–204.
Syrlybayev D, Zharylkassyn B, Seisekulova A, Akhmetov M, Perveen A, Talamona D. Optimisation of Strength Properties of FDM Printed Parts—A Critical Review. Polymers. 2021 May 14;13(10):1587.
Deswal S, Narang R, Chhabra D. Modeling and parametric optimization of FDM 3D printing process using hybrid techniques for enhancing dimensional preciseness. Int J Interact Des Manuf IJIDeM. 2019 Sep;13(3):1197–214.
R. SM, S. V. Parametric optimization of fused deposition modelling process using Grey based Taguchi and TOPSIS methods for an automotive component. Rapid Prototyp J. 2021 Jan 8;27(1):155–75.
Bellini A, Shor L, Guceri SI. New developments in fused deposition modeling of ceramics. Rapid Prototyp J. 2005 Sep;11(4):214–20.
Du J, Wei Z, Wang X, Wang J, Chen Z. An improved fused deposition modeling process for forming large-size thin-walled parts. J Mater Process Technol. 2016 Aug;234:332–41.
Brooks H, Rennie AEW, Abram TN, McGOVERN J. Variable Fused Deposition Modelling – Concept Design and Tool Path Generation. :10.
Hehr A, Norfolk M. A comprehensive review of ultrasonic additive manufacturing. Rapid Prototyp J. 2020;26(3):14.
Janaki Ram GD, Robinson C, Yang Y, Stucker BE. Use of ultrasonic consolidation for fabrication of multi‐material structures. Rapid Prototyp J. 2007 Aug 7;13(4):226–35.
Tuttle RB. Feasibility Study of 316L Stainless Steel for the Ultrasonic Consolidation Process. J Manuf Process. 2007 Jan;9(2):87–93.
Kong CY, Soar RC, Dickens PM. Optimum process parameters for ultrasonic consolidation of 3003 aluminium. J Mater Process Technol. 2004 Feb;146(2):181–7.
Friel RJ, Harris RA. Ultrasonic Additive Manufacturing – A Hybrid Production Process for Novel Functional Products. Procedia CIRP. 2013;6:35–40.
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