The medieval cultural and political origins of the industrial revolution
This article argues that cultural and political legacies from the Middle Ages were crucial for the sustained economic growth that led to the Industrial Revolution. The medieval social/political orders had an exceptional openness to innovations (technological, organizational and institutional) when compared to other contemporary civilizations. Such openness was caused by the competition between them, as well as by the existence of multiple organizations independent from the State. The emergence of national states changed the medieval scenario but a legacy of some of its important cultural/institutional features remained and played a decisive role in the forthcoming Industrial Revolution: the Rule of Law, individualism, representative assemblies, the respect for labor and professions (notably the merchants) and the embryo of a culture of economic growth. Also, the legacy of a process of accumulation of capital, which was translated into a superior level of labor productivity when compared to those prevailing in any other civilization until that moment.
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