Outcomes of the Ponseti method for the treatment of children diagnosed with congenital clubfoot in population under five years at Fundación Ruth Paz in San Pedro Sula, Honduras

Sandy Lizeth Guerrero Sorto, Gustavo A. Vásquez García, Nolvia Sarahí Díaz Cruz, Paola Estela Figueroa Avilez, Gabriela Alejandra Contreras


Background: Congenital clubfoot is a common deformity characterized by an abnormal development of the foot. The etiology is multifactorial and genetic causes have been related. The Ponseti method is a conservative treatment for the clubfoot, mostly used in idiopathic cases. This method involves serial plaster cast changes, tenotomy of the Achilles tendon and use of braces to prevent relapses. This study was designed to identify the characteristics of the patients diagnosed with congenital clubfoot who were treated with the Ponseti method and the main outcomes of this treatment in children under five years.

Method: A retrospective study was conducted in Fundación Ruth Paz in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, since June 1st 2015 to May 31th 2017. This study included patients under five years who were diagnosed with congenital clubfoot and treated with Ponseti method. The data were collected from the clinical files of the identified cases.

Results: Congenital clubfoot was more common among males (66.3%) and the localization of the deformity was more commonly bilateral (51.8%). The cases of idiopathic clubfoot represent 91.6% of all the cases. The tenotomy of the Achilles tendon was performed in 51.8% of the patients.  Complete treatment was identified in 90.4% of the cases and relapses were reported in 12% of the children who completed treatment.

Conclusions: Ponseti method was effective for treat children under five years diagnosed with clubfoot (idiopathic and non-idiopathic) and a significant decrease of the Pirani scoring after treatment was identified in all the cases. A correct use of braces is necessary to avoid relapses.


Congenital clubfoot, Ponseti method

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.23954/osj.v3i4.1737


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