Biochemical characterization of juices from three wild fruit species consumed in Côte d’Ivoire "Adansonia digitata, Parkia biglobosa and Tamarindus indica"
In the context of the valorization and the development of local products in Côte d’Ivoire, this study is based on juices samples prepared from the pulp of wild fruits of Baobab (Adansonia digitata), Tomi (Tamarindus indica) and Néré (Parkia biglobosa). The physiochemical characteristics such as dry matter (desiccation, 105°C), mineral (spectrophotometer), ash, fat, fiber and protein (AOAC), Energy (coefficients), vitamins A & C (HPLC), organic acids & total polyphenols (HPLC), carbohydrate (by difference), pH and titratable acidity (titrimetry, NaOH) of pasteurized juices (75°C, 5 min) were investigated. Data showed that the juices have been characterized by low protein (0.21-0.28 %), fat (0.26-0.65 %) and ash (0.20-0.47 %) content and high level of total carbohydrates (21-30 %) and energy (85.83-124.43 Kcal/100mL). Baobab and Tomi juices were distinguished by their high acidity (103-159 meq.g / Kg) while Baobab and Néré juices were characterized by their average fiber content (4-5.30 %). The juices of Baobab, Tomi and Néré are very rich in some minerals (K and Mg) but calcium (Ca) and iron (Fe) are not bioavailable (Oxales/Ca and Oxalates/Fe > 2). The juice of baobab is rich in vit A (80 mg/100mL) and vit C (189 mg/100mL) than the others juices. Catechin was the most phenolic content (52.29-110.32 mg/100mL) where tartric acid was the most organic acid (4.02-6.82 mg/100mL) in the juices. The knowledge of the nutritional value of these juices could contribute to a better understanding of the essential role of these three wild fruits in terms of food and trade.
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