The Oman Animal and Plant Genetic Resources Center’s (OAPGRC) Science Café: A Success Story”
Science Cafés are held in many towns and cities across the world for the promotion of scientific culture and the understanding of our daily lives, which we live in. They provide a platform for interaction and dialogue between scientists, researchers, businesses and the community on trends towards current scientific issues the extent of their impact on culture and society. The Oman Animal and Plant Genetic Resources Center (OAPGRC) Science Cafe is a forum for the discussion of important and interesting scientific topics and issues. Since May 2013 to December 2015, OAPGRC has held a series of science café sessions on topics related to biodiversity, food security, climate change, pollution and sustainable use. The OAPGRC science café is the first in Oman to be put on the international map of scientific cafes around the world. Reviewing the data on the outcomes and performance of these sessions indicates that the session attendance and active participation was 51% by men and 49% women. This is an exceptional case where the interest is almost equal between the genders. As for the age group, the highest percentage 49% was of a class of young people aged between 18-25 years. Followed by the age group (26-35 years) which was 30%. The lowest percentage was 21% for the age group of above 35 years. The experience of the science café in Oman has been proved as a major success for both the scientific and social aspects. Therefore there are different plans to maintained and develop it in the near future.
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- Find a Café near you!
- Junior Cafe Scientifique Scheme, Durham University (2016)
- Duncan Dallas Obituary 2014 (Science), People in Science.
- Oman Animal & Plant Genetic Resources Center (2016)
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