Irregular Antibodies Identified Previously In Blood Transfusions: A Review Of The 21st Century
Introduction: In the blood transfusion patients may be exposed or are stimulated to produce red cell antibodies that cause immediate and delayed transfusion reactions. Antibodies that agglutinate the red blood cells are called signifiers. Already insignificant antibodies that agglutinate red blood cells "in vitro", and which do not promote changes in the body can be sub-categorized into Rh and Kell system, MNSs, Lewis, Duffy and Kidd.
Objectives: Identify the types of irregular antibodies.
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted through a wide reading-based research papers published from 2000 to 2014 available on the websites: Scielo - Scientific Electronic Library Online, LILLACS - Latin American and Caribbean Sciences WWII Health and PubMed - US National Library of Medicine and BIREME - Regional Library of Medicine. Inclusion criteria were: articles published in Portuguese, English and Spanish and exclusion criteria: review articles that do not directly addressed the issue of irregular antibodies and blood transfusion.
Results and Discussion: We identified 51 articles on alternate sites: 43 in Scielo, 02 in BIREME, 01 in LILLACS and 05 found in PubMed. Only 22 articles met the inclusion criteria proposed for the study and were distributed in several categories: descriptive, quantitative and qualitative research.
Conclusion: Common antibodies are Rh and Kell system. Erythrocyte sensitizations occur to each unit of transfused red blood cells. Therefore, phenotyping and genotyping for Rh, Kell, Duffy, Kidd and MNSs antibodies to patients undergoing blood transfusion is recommended for safe and quality therapy.
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