Behavior of scientific production on severe acute respiratory syndrome
Objective: To analyze the dispersion of journals and scientific collaboration on Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, available on the Web of Science. Methods: Bibliometric study that analyzed the production of documents available on the Web of Science, from 1989 to 2020. Results: 1623 documents were retrieved, distributed in 538 journals. The average production per year was 55.9. The average production per author was 1.73. The Nursing category contributed 17 (1.04%) documents, with Virology being the largest contribution 324 (19.96%). China led the ranking with 640 publications (39.43%). Conclusion: The data presented demonstrate the high level of interest of the scientific community in the subject. It was possible to identify 82 authors composing an Elite group of Authors, whose productivity was 66.1%. The United States, China and Saudi Arabia are the countries that most formed Collaboration Networks
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