Adaptation of positive youth development sustainability scale (PYDSS)
This study aimed to determine the validity and reliability of the adaptation of Positive Youth Development Sustainability Scale (PYDSS). Positive Youth Development is an approach in the form of caring, supportive attitude, and tends to see adolescents as a source that must be developed to reduce the occurrence of behavioral problems (Nystrom, et al., 2008). There are five aspects of PYD or called the 5 Cs Model of PYD consisting of character, competence, connection, caring, and confidence (Lerner, 2005). The five aspects encourage the emergence of the sixth aspect is contribution (Sieng, et al., 2018). The focus of this research lies in the development of measuring instruments through the adaptation of PYDSS as a means to see the validity and reliability of the items in the PYDSS measurement tools. This study involved 242 subjects with age categories 15-18 years. The research instrument was in the form of a questionnaire consisting of 29 statement items. Quantitative data analysis techniques used are validity tests based on content using Content Validity Ratio (CVR) and Content Validity Index (CVI), validity tests based on internal structure using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and reliability tests based on homogeneity/internal consistency through Cronbach's coefficient alpha and construct/composite reliability (CR). The results of data analysis showed that the value of CVR almost met the minimum parameters of 0.952 < 0.99 where the average (CVI)> 0.8; loading factor> 0.5 except for items CH2, CN4, and HC1, and the suitability of the model that is quite fit with a value of χ2 / df> 2; SRMR <0.1; RMSEA <0.1; CFI> 0.8; TLI> 0.8; and p-value <0.05. Reliability test through the Cronbach's alpha coefficient shows a number> 0.9 and a CR value> 0.7. This shows that the adaptation of PYDSS measurement tools for high school adolescents in Surabaya fulfils good validity and reliability values.
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