Recommender system for modelling subject combination in Ugandan senior secondary schools
Subject combinations at A-level in Ugandan Senior Secondary Schools have made or marred the future career of many prospective students, many students have ended up doing courses they had not planned to do because they made wrong choices at their A-level. This recommender system offers the decision-making process for students based on their subject performance coupled with interest, passion, skills and talents to enable them make right choices. It is person-centred and there are three (3) main actors: the student (who are interested in making appropriate career choice), the documents (which contains available information about interest and passion, skills and talents and subject performances) and access metrics (which aids the student of A-level in extracting knowledge from available resources). A hybrid matrix factorization model using ANFIS and R were used to represents students and subjects as linear combinations derived from their characteristics and interactions, this is combined with rule-based model to offer a unified approach of presenting any student with a list of subjects that will lead to prospective career choices. This offer higher predictive accuracy in career choice matchmaking and overcoming challenges of parental influence, peer influence and others while expanding opportunities of career guidance in Uganda.
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