Evaluation of sound pressure levels in a pediatric intensive care unit

Caroline de Araújo Mendes, Carlos Roberto Lyra da Silva, Luciane Velasque de Souza, Adriana Carla Bridi, Joice Alves Cabral, Luana Borges Dutra, Raphael Neves Barreiros, Andrea dos Santos Garcia, Margarida dos Santos Salú, Natália Barroso


This study objectives were to measure the sound pressure levels found in the pediatric intensive care unit in a federal institution of Rio de Janeiro; to verify differences in noise levels during the morning and afternoon; to confront the sound pressure levels found against acceptable levels according to national and international noise organizations; to count the quantity of alarms triggered by each type of medical care equipment selected (multiparameter monitor, mechanical ventilator and infusion pump); to verify the relevance in the scientific world about pediatric intensive care unit noise through bibliometrics and to address the trinomial care technology - noise - implications on care. It’s an observational, exploratory, quantitative study, organized in three steps: Parameter collection and decibel meter calibration - data were based on the study by Salú, et al (2015) ; Data collection: 40 hours of discontinued observation (8am to 16pm) on different days for a period two months using two decibel meters; Data processing: An Excel spreadsheet was created for the database and data analysis was performed with the help of Microsoft Office Excel 2010 and Program R, organized into graphs and tables. 61% of the alarms corresponded to the mechanical ventilator; Bed E had the lowest standard deviation (SD = 2.945) and the highest median (69.5dBA). Even by removing the E bed from the analysis, there is a significant difference (p <0.001) between sound pressure levels. The median of the afternoon (28.2dBA); and morning (26.1dBA). Mechanical fan and monitor generated higher sounds; the pediatric intensive care unit has considerably exceeded that recommended by national and international noise organizations; afternoon generated higher sounds than morning. Keywords: Noise Meters; Noise; Intensive care; Pediatrics


Noise Meters; Noise; Intensive care; Pediatrics

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.23954/osj.v5i2.2415


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