The Level of Stress among College Students: A Case in the College of Education, Eritrea Institute of Technology
The transition of students from high school level to the college level is inherently stressful for students. It could cause psychological, academic and social shock to them. From this perspective, this research was aimed to investigate the level of stress among the College of Education (CoE) students in Eritrea Institute of Technology. Descriptive research was undertaken to assess the students’ level of stress. A randomly drawn participants (N = 123) completed a self-developed questionnaire assessing their levels of stress on five domains (physiological, social, psychological, academic, and environmental). The results revealed that there was a moderate level of stress among the students. Out of the five domains, academic and environmental stressors were found contributing most to the students’ level of stress. Besides, the students’ levels of stress were found to have no statistically significant associations with their gender and grade point average. The study may theoretically contribute to the body of scientific knowledge on mental health studies. Practically, the study may also guide college communities to take concrete steps towards the improvement of the learning environment and subsequently mitigating the adverse impact of stress on students’ wellbeing and learning outcomes.
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