Botanical Overview and Chemical Composition of some Grewia spp. “Gudeim plant” in Sudan
This research is conducted to study the Taxonomy of the genus Grewia in Sudan. The chemical compositions of fruits of four species of Grewia in Sudan have been studied. These species were: G.tenax, G.villosa, G.flavescens and G.mollis. This plant has a common vernacular Sudanese Arabic name: "Gudeim". It is mainly cultivated in Milleit and Kutum (North Darfur-Western Sudan). Common uses of Grewia species were overviewed in areas of nutrition, folk medicine and famine food. Fruits of the four Grewia species components were chemically analyzed for content of: ash, moisture, proteins, fats, fibers, carbohydrates, reducing sugars, sucrose, minerals (potassium, iron and phosphorus), vitamin C and anti-nutritional factors (tannins and phytate). International methodologies for chemical measurements had been used. The results of chemical analysis were statistically analyzed via Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT). The results of morphological characteristics and the chemical components were used to construct taxonomic keys. The study found a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) among the 4 Grewia species in all of the studied chemical components.
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