Type of Music on the Growth and Laying Performance, Behavior and Marketability of Quails
A study was conducted to determine how different type of music influences the performance, egg quality, behavior and economics of raising Japanese quails. A total of 165 sexed day-old chicks was randomly assigned to five treatments and replicated three times with eleven quails (10 females and 1 male) per replication and was conducted from August to November, 2016. All data were subjected to ANOVA following the CRD and differences between treatments were subjected to Tukey’s Test. Analysis revealed that quails exposed with random music showed highly significant (p<0.05) final body weight, compared to quails provided with metallic, reggae and quails that was not provided with any kind of music but is similar with quails exposed with classical music. Quails exposed to random, metallic and reggae music had significantly higher (p<0.05) % hen-day production and are more efficient in converting feeds into dozen of eggs. Quails exposed to random and classical music had significantly higher (p<0.05) egg white weight, fertility and hatchability rate and had thicker shell. However, results revealed comparable egg yolk weight and yolk color regardless of types of music. Results showed that quails exposed with reggae music significantly improved eating habit and are less aggressive compared to quails provided with metallic music and quails not subjected with any kind of music but are comparable with the eating habit and aggressiveness of quails exposed with random and classical music while provision of different type of music did not trigger chirping and feather pecking among Japanese quails. The EFPR, net income and ROI of quails subjected to random and classical music was significantly higher. These results implies that provision of random and classical music increases egg production and improved FCR that consequently increases profit than the normal management practices in quails reared without any exposure to music.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.23954/osj.v2i4.1089
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