Brazilian soap opera and American TV series: narrativity according Barthes

Levi Henrique Merenciano


Abstract: This paper aims to compare two audiovisual tv products: a Brazilian soap opera “Avenida Brasil” (Brazil Avenue, 2012) and an American TV series Grey´s Anatomy (2005). The theoretical and methodological approach are structural narratology studies and French Semiotics, based on narratology studies influenced by Propp, Greimas and Barthes. The main goal is to analyze and compare the narrative structure of the first episodes of both TV productions by means the cardinal and catalyzer functions according to Roland Barthes narratives point of view.

Keywords: brazilian soap opera, tv series, structural narratology, semiotics

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AVENIDA Brasil. Direção: José Luiz Villamarim e Amora Mautner. Produção: Rede Globo de Televisão. Basil. Rio de Janeiro, 2012. (Soap opera).

BARTHES, R. A Aventura Semiológica. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2001.

BENVENISTE, E. Problemas de Linguística Geral I. São Paulo: Edusp, 1976.

BREMOND, C. Logique du Récit. Paris: Éditions Du Seuil, 1973.

GREIMAS, A. J.; COURTÉS, J. Dicionário de Semiótica. São Paulo: Cultrix, 1979.

GREY’S anatomy. Produção: Touchstone. Estados Unidos: 2005 a 2016. (Série de Tevê, sonor, color.)

JOLLES, A. Formas Simples. São Paulo: Cultrix, 1976.

PROPP, V. Morfologia do Conto Maravilhoso. Copymarket, 2001. (Edição online).



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